Tuesday, July 29, 2014


aprium cobbler
Aprium Cobbler
My yard has 12 fruit trees.
3 cherry trees
1 lemon tree
1 apple tree
1 plum tree
1 aprium tree
4 plum/pluot trees

(does that add up to 12?)

Okay - my yard has 12 trees - 11 are fruit trees.

This past week or so the Aprium tree has been gifting us with a lot of fruit.  I have made use of it the following ways:
Aprium Cobbler
Sugar Free Aprium Jam
Aprium Tarts
Sugar Free Aprium Jam
And the tree isn't done yet.

A month ago, the plum tree was plummeting me with plums.  I made Plum Jam and Plum Wine.  The wine is still a work in progress and will not be completed til December.  So far it looks better than it tastes.  I'm hoping with the addition of stabilizer and sugar and some brandy (it is port which is a fortified wine) it will be good.  Either way some people will get a bottle as a christmas present.

Since the next question is what's the recipe?  I'll post that below:

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