Saturday, October 18, 2014

Again with the Wine (whine)

bottles actually bottled

bottles of port

Today is all about the bottling.  Washing 25 wine bottles and scraping off the old labels is a royal PITA!  Moving forward - there are 15 bottles in the dishwasher and I washed 9 by hand because they were the ones that didn't fit in the dishwasher.  Ironically, the ones I washed by hand got filled first and here is the photographic evidence!  I put the dishwasher on super wash so it is taking a Loooooong time to get finished.  I'll finish bottling when they are out.

I used the hydrometer again - and though I do not understand the information here is the data:

SG: 1.028
Brix: 7.2

Am now thoroughly convinced that this Brix/SG stuff is crazy magic/alien technology and I will never be able to either a. measure it correctly or b. make any sense of the data collected.

Science aside, the wine is clear and very red/pink.  It is sweet and also has a kick to it.  The stuff I put into the brandy bottles I served at dinner on Sunday and it was very potent and was well received.

So - now to Office Depot to buy labels to print and put on the bottles and to finish up the bottling.

Next experiment?  Beer!

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